Building House on the Moon

Currently, scientists are working to build a house on the moon. Using lunar soil, they hope to protect the base from the sun. They also believe that lunar dust would be a source of air for astronauts.

NASA's Artemis program

Currently, NASA's Artemis program aims to return human exploration to the moon, establish a permanent presence there, and begin establishing a sustainable base on the lunar surface. This will include a series of Space Launch System (SLS) missions and robotic landers.

The first mission will be uncrewed. However, the second and third missions will be crewed. These will send astronauts to the moon and perform scientific studies. This will lead to a series of support missions. The goal is to return to the moon in the late 2030s.

The mission will be conducted with the use of the Orion spacecraft. The craft is designed for trips to the moon and Mars. Its crew module was developed by Lockheed Martin. It contains an automated docking system and solar panels.

The spacecraft is more than 210,000 miles from Earth. It will fly by the moon on Dec. 5, and will fly past the moon again on December 6. It will leave the moon's "sphere of influence" on December 6 and re-enter the moon's atmosphere.

China's plans to 3D-print a house on the moon

Using new technologies, China has announced plans to build a 3D-printed house on the moon. This is a great step in the direction of becoming the first country to make a foothold on the moon.

The Chinese National Space Administration (CNSA) has said it will send a mission to the moon by the end of this year. The plan is to explore the soil of the moon, collect samples and test their suitability for 3D printing.

China also hopes to land a probe on Mars by 2020 and to become a global space power by 2030. With cooperation from Russia and other space nations, China could beat the United States to become the first nation to set up a permanent base on the moon.

The Chang'e 5 lunar exploration mission will retrieve samples from the south pole of the moon and will also assess the feasibility of building house on the moon. The payload also includes experiments to test weak gravity and water from the lunar soil.


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