Build Property on the Moon - Space Race Fears and Other Concerns


Besides the space race fears, there are also other concerns such as legality and cost of building property on the moon. You can read about them in this article.

Legality of owning land on the moon

Buying land on the moon is illegal as per the Outer Space Treaty of several nations. The treaty, which came into effect on October 10, 1967, laid out basic legal guidelines for celestial bodies.

A number of nations, including the United States and Russia, are vying to establish outposts on the Moon over the next couple of decades. NASA announced its intention to return to the Moon by 2020.

However, the legality of owning land on the moon has not been settled. In fact, some believe that the outer space treaty might be a dead letter if the United States and China continue to ramp up their space programs.

There are some loopholes in the legal code that allow private individuals to buy up Lunar land, but it's not clear what legality entails.

Existing space law framework

Despite the current international treaty framework for building property on the moon, there is still a significant gap in space law. This gap is made worse by the increasing number of non-traditional players and the lack of binding international rules that would constrain aberrant behavior and compel collaboration between allies and adversaries.

A recent conference held by the Global Business Law Review and Cleveland-Marshall College of Law discussed the current space law framework and whether new international agreements are needed to address these gaps. The conference also looked at whether the private sector could play a more active role in space law. Several speakers pointed to the need to establish a hard law framework for celestial bodies.

Space law has been a focus of legal scholars, researchers, and practitioners in recent years. These experts argue that there is a need to establish a legal framework that would grant ownership rights to space actors.

Cost of building a property on the moon

Despite the challenges, building permanent structures Build property on moon is getting closer to reality. NASA is planning to send the next man to the moon by the end of the decade. In the meantime, multiple space agencies are planning to build "international villages" by the year 2027.

One of the most important aspects of a lunar settlement is a way to recycle the water on site. A household of four would need 5.4 tons of water a year. This is a lot of water, and will require a lot of water to grow food.

The cost of building a house on the moon is a little less than $62 million. This figure includes all the life saving features you would need, as well as organic sources of energy. The cost of shipping building materials to the moon would cost $2 billion.

Space Race fears

During the space race, the United States emerged as the dominant nation, but it also faced real security threats. The Soviets were developing huge nuclear arsenals and were able to hit targets across the world. The American public believed that it was vulnerable to annihilation from space.

The Cuban Missile Crisis helped solidify the need to beat the Soviets to the moon. Kennedy promised an American astronaut to land on the moon by 1970.

Kennedy had been a decorated World War II hero. He believed that a successful space mission would send an important message to the world.

In mid-1968, the concept of a man landing on the moon began to take center stage. Senior NASA officials believed the mission would be completed within a year.

The space race began after the Soviets launched the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, in October 1957. The launch caught the American public by surprise. This event changed the world and was a harbinger of a new era.


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